Monday, July 11, 2011

Slowing Down to Enjoy the Summer

The weekend passed quickly as they always seem to do.  The temperatures have been up, and summer seems to be in full swing with a onslaught of tourists pouring into my area every weekend making use of the beaches, the lake and the roads.  Yesterday I was enjoying a relaxing day at home when we received a call that some good friends of ours would be passing through the area on their way home from Muskoka.

We were not prepared for company and had already started smoking a rack of ribs, but as always, the door is always open and the light always on.  I had wanted to get a bit of writing done, and possibly work on a painting I had been blocking out, but to turn down friends on the road is bad form.  I'm glad I didn't listen to my inner organizer screaming about my uncompleted task list.  I love seeing Julie & Aaron.  Although our lives have been running on opposite roads as of late, there is something to be said for someone who can walk back in and literally it feels as if no time has passed.  This describes how I feel when I am spending time with Julie.  Within 5 minutes of their arrival laughter was the music in the air and it carried on until fairly late in the evening.  No we were not prepared to put on a meal like I normally like to do for company, but we all made due with what we had and a great meal was shared and even Aaron who has a strong dislike for pork tried Jason's smoky ribs. Which all of us decided were the best ribs in Simcoe County and he could have easily won the RibFest taking place in Barrie  at the same time.  Of course my list sat undone, and I'm okay with that, it can wait for awhile.  The time with good  friends, sharing a delicious meal, laughing so hard that my sides hurt.  That is what summer is about.  The rest can wait.

Slow down, enjoy a laugh, enjoy some good food.  Some of the keys for a good life I believe.


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