Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Alarms - A wet foot - and a wake up call

I generally wake up at 6:00am.  I then check my e-mail, have a cup of whatever, and get ready for work.   This week because I am riding with Jason into the office I have had to get up a little earlier to have my shower and bags ready for when he leaves.

This morning however, for whatever reason my alarm did not go off.  I got up and did not have time for a shower so I cleaned up got dressed, and went downstairs.  On my way downstairs I guess Noah had a "verp" and there was a piece of wet dog food an slobber which I stepped in - so now I am tired, feeling nasty and have one wet dog food foot.  From there I picked up my cell phone and noticed I two messages from my credit card company saying 2 more charges had gone through.  (I had canceled the card on Saturday because it was compromised)  As I stood there without shower, with one foot with dog puke on it, I decided I had enough.  I picked up the phone, dialed the fraudsters cell number (that's what happens when you top up your phone with a stolen credit card) and I let loose, I didn't hang up like I normally do when he answered -  I yelled - I yelled for a good 5 minutes.  I had awoke him from a dead sleep he just kept saying "who is this?" my response "you know who it is - it's the person you stole from"  of course I always press *67, so he doesn't have my number.  Before I hung up on the jerk - I told him I wasn't done with him yet - then I sent one more anonymous text saying I hoped he enjoyed his wake up call - and that I would talk to him again soon.

I got to work and called the CC company - turns out the e-mails were delayed and there were no more charges on my account.  Oh well the jackass needed it.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Health, Reviews & Santa in Cuba

From my title above you can see that today's entry is as my description says - a collision of ideas.

I spent the better part of yesterday in my bed resting.  Tuesday evening I wasn't quite feeling myself, and turned in quite early, by Wednesday morning I knew something was amiss and I wouldn't be leaving the house.  Lucky for me the day of rest seems to be all I needed and although I am still not quite right - although it could be debated I am never "quite right", I do feel much better.

Gerry posted his thoughts about Finding Forever and I agree with him.  When I wrote it, it was to get the idea out of my head and what he essentially received was a first draft.  So his criticisms are all accurate and I very much agree.  Of course the fact he said that jounalistically it was well written makes me very very happy and of course lets me know I am on the right track.  I am also very thankful that he read and reviewed it.  I am hoping by the time winter has passed I have something that will blow Finding Forever out of the water as I explore my imagination more and also start beating up my characters more.


On another note, I have convinced Michel and Evelyn that they should both be writing letters to Santa Claus.  Considering their first "semi-traditional" Christmas was last year, I explained yesterday after I assured them I did not need a doctor and would be fine (uff you mention you are under the weather and Cuban's assume the doctor must be sent for - post haste), that when you are a child here you right a letter to Santa explaining whether you were naughty or nice and giving a short list of your Christmas Wishes, and that because they had missed that during earlier years, that this year they were to write them - send them to me via e-mail and I would make sure that they made it to the North Pole (I'll walk them over on my lunch - haha).  I also let them know as Santa's personal travel agent, although he would be exceptionally busy over the next few months, I knew for a fact that Santa & Mrs. Claus would be taking holidays in Cuba this year in March, and that he would stop by La Lisa then to visit them.  I don't think the delay on the visit will bother them - they are Cuban, and adults - they understand.  Although I don't think I could be separate from my family at Christmas time, I wish I could be there for Christmas to make it special for them.


Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead. ~Louisa May Alcott