Making time for things that are important. Easy to type, did it in less than 10 seconds. Easy to implement? Not so much. I keep a daytimer, and I have an agenda in my Blackberry. I have my days well organized and planned. What is missing is the little things. The important things.
I felt a little ashamed when I logged into my little blog. The last post was last year. I was getting ready to submit a story to Leap Local. I came runner up in that contest. Yeah for me! Here though, my little writing spot has sat empty and untouched. (You can read my award winning story Captive in Cuba here)
Which brings me back to my topic. Making time for things that are important. Family, friends, and my passions; Travel, Reading/Writing and Cooking. I must learn to make time for them. They are what is important, not a ticketing deadline for Hong Kong or clearing last months receivables. Although those things are important they are not what makes me happy.
How do you change the pattern though? Find all the lost and wasted time. I'm not sure. I am going to consciously try and break my habits though. Set the time when I am to be undisturbed because I am exploring my passions. I may have to turn off my cell phone and disconnect my laptop from the internet but I am going to do it.
Starting . . . when? Now seems like a good a time as any!
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