After spending a delightful week in Havana I have come to the realization that I can no longer visit all the people I need to while I am there in a one week time span. Each trip I stretch myself a bit further, make new friends. Each trip is better than the last. The Cubans that I have become close with have dubbed me as Cubana and I fit in. As the hour of my departure came, I almost did not board the plane. I was on the phone outside the airport discussing the option of changing my flight with my APS (BFF in Spanish). In the end we decided I should get on the plane, we had already said goodbye, and delaying departure for 3 days, to endure the same upset again hardly seemed worth it. It planted a seed in my mind though.
As a Canadian I can stay in Cuba on a tourist visa for a maximum of 90 Days. What if I didn't come home after my normal 7-10 day stay? What if I stayed for 2, or 3 or even . . . 4 weeks?
When I was a teenager and deciding to have a career in Tourism my dream/plan was to work for the wholesalers as a destination rep. I wanted to live abroad. I studied my Spanish, I did my Geography. I got my diploma from Humber in Travel & Tourism and then the industry changed. Destination reps became locals, they were no longer having Canadians in destination to assist the passengers. I resigned myself it wasn't happening and I took a job at a Travel Agency. 15 Years has passed.
Why couldn't I stay for 30 days in Havana? I have a support network there in case "things go horribly wrong", I speak the language, I understand and have become quite accustomed to shortages, and making due with rice when you really had your heart set on Chicken . . . Could I do it? Quite possibly.
I have started planning my 30 day adventure. I am in the beginning of searching for accommodation. I plan on taking an apartment (not a villa like March), I will need a full kitchen. AC is not necessary, but appreciated. I want to be outside of Habana Vieja/Vedado and maybe in Santa Fe. I will have to be able to walk or take buses to the grocery store. I will live like a Cuban (but with Refrescos) for 30 days. I am not set on a date yet, I have to arrange a 30 Day Leave of Absence from the office, and plan this and earn the money to do it. It's a plan though. It may be 15 years later, and may only be for 30 days . . . but I'm doing it. My Mother has confirmed she thinks it's a bad idea . . . which lets me know it's BRILLIANT!
My "APS" only had one concern "What will you do?" ha ha ha when have I ever had a problem passing time, between my writing, my "doodling" and day dreaming . . . I'm sure 30 days will go quickly and I could always busk I guess LOL or do caricatures in the streets . . . normal Cuban activities. Kidding Kidding.
Time to leave Oro Station behind for a few weeks and see what finds me.
Here's to 30 days off the grid!
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