Friday, May 13, 2011

Really? I Am a National Security Threat?

I generally don't buy into conspiracy theories.  I think thoughts like "the USA blew up the trade centre themselves" are absurd, and  Bin Laden is dead, he's not hanging around with Elvis, TuPac or Biggie Smalls.
This week, my resolve was tested. I may be being watched by . . . the commies. (insert hysterical laughter here please)

I communicate with approximately 5 families in Cuba.  We communicate daily, by a variety of methods.  I never give much thought to what I'm saying to them, because I always kept one thing in mind.  Don't say anything bad about Cuba. It's not my country, it's not my business.  I know the history I know people are arrested and worse for speaking against the Cuban Government/Policies.  Plus, to be honest, in a small way I respect their attempt at a system they thought would be better.  I digress, I keep it clean. 

As of last Thursday (May 5), not one of my text messages was received in Cuba.  I had been texting diligently about the things my friends enjoy to hear about.  They aren't national security or even political comments, unless, "had pizza for dinner - wish I was eating it in Havana" or "Going to the drive in - wish you were here" is considered a national security threat.  After it was brought to my attention that nothing was being received by any of the families I communicate with I did what every normal person would do I blamed Rogers Communications.  I called them, we started testing the line, and the network.  I tested my network of international contacts, everything got through except for Cuba.  Then I began to worry a bit.   Rogers could not resolve it, so after 3 days of no head way I just decided to change my number.  Low and behold my texts are now being received in Cuba again.

I reviewed my text logs, and the only thing in months I ever said, that could be construed as political is "Osama Bin Laden was killed by the American military last night, he was an asshole, I'm glad he's shark food" was really that disturbing to the Castro's?  Then I read this and this So, that was it! I spoke about Bin Laden, shared the news with my friends, and suddenly my cell phone doesn't work to Cuba?  Coincidence . . . or Conspiracy?

Michel is a little nervous is a little nervous, When we had a call drop the other night he told me "they might be listening"  REALLY Do you have nothing better to do with your time than to listen to me talk about my dogs and what I'm cooking for dinner?  Or listen to a Cuban tell me about how hot it is at his place of employment and that he wished he had air conditioning?  I have one thing to say to our eavesdropper - enjoy yourself.  I will not speak against Cuba, maybe their politics cause me a headache but it's not my country so therefore not my problem.  The only problem I have is you chose to censor me, and with that I have a huge problem.

I also read while doing my research that President Castro LOVES the internet and enjoys spending his leisure time surfing (although his people are not permitted such luxuries).  So, by chance he googles himself,  which he probably does since I personally think he is a self absorbed old fool with a inflated value of self worth, whose actual political significance expired about 40 years ago, and  by chance stumbles across my little Canadian blog hosted out here in the "free" world.  Enjoy your internet connection President Castro.    Oh and since time is not on your side . . . when the natural time comes . . . say hi to Elvis for me - asshole.

Hugs & Kisses
Ms. Castillo

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Day of Change

I awoke to the news as most did that Osama Bin Laden had been killed.  I doubt that I need to give any run down of his horrible crimes, or any other information other than people seem glad that he is dead.  I cannot seem to even muster a bit of pity for the man.  I do however fear for the future.  As with all villains, there is always someone waiting in the wings, much worse, and much more evil to take the the villains place. 

I also received an article that I had been reading about last week about proposed changes in Cuba.  Talk of the end of the ration card system, the sale of cars and property.  Of course, this is just talk.  Raul is slowly taking a more public stance now that his brother has officially stepped back.  Raul brought the Cubans, cell phones and DVD players previously.  From experience I know though that the cell system is expensive, and not everyone has a cell phone.  To give a freedom that is unobtainable by most?  Is it really still freedom?  I suspect the sale of houses and cars will bring more freedom to my favorite little island.  Raul's plan though, does not address how someone who makes the equivalent to $25 per month can afford any of these new freedoms or even dream to afford them when everything else is including food is an unreachable goal.  The elimination of the ration card system should bring more food to the table, more than the existing monthly allowance of 7 eggs, 1 loaf of bread, 1 lb of chicken and a bar of soap, but with more and more Cubans out of work, excessive lay offs happening in all industries in Cuba, what shall they use to buy these soon to be uncontrolled items?  I hope it flows evenly to them, but I somehow suspect that for the Cubans, the hunger, and the days of condom pizzas are far from over.

I should not be so cynical.  Of course the beginning of every journey starts with a single step.